Introducing: Melody Greene

Melody Greene

Author Photo Greene


Black Print Publications is proud to introduce our debut author Melody Greene!

I am a writer with a focus on literary fiction. My writing centers around the ways in which people rationalize their behavior to themselves and/or come of age. I explore inner conflict and the expression of said conflict in one’s life in characters of all ages. I take an organic approach by simply letting the character be. I delve into the mind of a character and see if they can reach self understanding, or instead succumb to their own ego.

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Book: A New Moon Rises

Genre: Middle Grade

Release: November 2017


Maritza always thought Papa’s stories were just that, stories. Sea serpents and greedy jaguars were just silly tales made up for the children of the village, until they became something more.  After a frightening, mystical encounter leaves her sister Isadora’s life in danger, Maritza must abandon her doubts and trust in herself. Tasked with a journey of legend and sacrifice, can Maritza find the strength to save her sister? She has until the new moon rises to decide or Isadora could be lost forever.

Tell us a bit about how you became a writer.

I’ve always loved reading. Even at a small age, my parents would force me to read as my time out. That “punishment” became a life long joy. In college I was a bit lost and struggling, so I decided I would try writing. I loved it and it’s become a part of my being.

What are your favorite things to write about?

I want every story to be touching. My style is literary so it has a lot to do with personal growth, or lack thereof. I’d like every character to grow, but just like real life some are stubborn. I sometimes add fantasy, or the paranormal, but the psychology of the characters is always at the forefront.

What are some of your favorite books?

My favorite books have had a huge influence on me as a person, and in my writing. Some of those top books are The Boy of the Three Year Nap (Snyder), A Hero of Our Time (Lermontov), and the book that really made literature “real” to me; Bridge to Terebithia (Paterson).

How do you get into the minds of your characters?

My mother is a psychologist. Growing up I was force-fed self-help books while she finished her doctorate. As a result, I’m well equipped for looking at situations from various points of view. I contribute my mother’s pursuit of education as having a huge effect on my own.

What interests do you have outside of the literary world?

My biggest interest is easily Latin Dance. I started dancing salsa by accident in college and I can’t imagine my life without dance. I also have a flower garden that I don’t take as good care of as I should, but I love it anyway.


Introducing Black Print Publications Inc. Black Print publishes quality literature for the Middle Grade, Young Adult and Literary Fiction audiences. We look for new authors with diverse backgrounds and we want stories about all kinds of characters.

Please browse our website and keep up to date on our projects. We will announce our first Middle Grade novel in the coming weeks!